Monday, April 14, 2008

A New Begining....

Hi all!!! ^^ this is my first posting in this blog.
Well if u were to notice, this is actually my second blog.
I started blogging since year 2005 but stopped around year 2007.
This is due to the fact that i dont have much access to the one and only com
in my house. I bet those of you who are reading this must be wondering to
why I start this new blog instead of continueing in my first blog 'My LiFe On E@rtH'.
Well, for those who are wondering, I decided to rip out the old and start anew.
In a year a bet that no one stays the same. For example, your knowlegde wouldn't be the same after a year right? I have changed when you are to compare the Me in the year 2005 to the Me now.

I'll let you into the inside of me back then.
I'm always depressed back then. That's why in my old blog,
you'll see that my post are mostly about me feeling depressed.
I would always think of the bad things in life and that's what makes me loose GOD given chances. So ppl!!! Don't be like me! you'll loose out a lot.
Oh yea, I too use to keep to myself.... A LOT. I couldn't make many friends back then. I only have my old friends from primary and a few new ones...

I think that's about it... for now i guess bout me in the past.
I couldn't really remember much bout me cause i don't bother to remember.
Well i'm trying to get rid of my past so what's the point of remembering right??
Start Anew. So this is where I got the title of this post ^^ .

Oh dear!! I have been yapping for so long and I haven't even introduce myself! *smacks forehead* so sorry *bows deeply*
Honto honto gomenasai (really really sorry in Japanese) , Mianhe (sorry in Korean).
I just turned 18 at exactly last 2 months and i'm a Chinese, currently living in Japan.... just kiddding!!! how i wish to be there....
well, i'm actually living in Malaysia. For those who doesn't know where Malaysia is,
it's the country above Singapore.

I’m just a normal gal. About 163.5cm in height…
Having shoulder length hair, having small brown eyes… erm… wearing specks…
I like cheerleading…. I love reading….. oh my favs are fan fics on 동방신기 ( TVfXQ / TVXQ / THSK / DBSK / DBSG / 東方神起 )!!!!!!
hahaha.... listening to songs… especially songs from TVXQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha….
if you guys are wondering how on earth i knew of the lovely TVXQ....
In the beginning... i've only listened to their songs...
the first song that iv'e heard from them is 'O' and rising sun...
but i fell in love with them when i heard Always There...
i especially love to listen to TVXQ's accapellas......
after some time only i saw their faces...... then i ..... *faints*

Oh yeah…. I cannot forget to put this….
I’m a fan of Changmin!!!!!!!
Changmin-oppa !!!!! Saranghaeyo!!!! (it means CHANGMIN I LOVE YOU!!!)
Hehe….. ^^

Sorry bout me getting almost crazy... =P
I got to go... i'll post again another time and
next time i'll fill you guys in with the new things about me~ ^^
so more about me is to come~ watch out!! ^_^
Ja mata ne~ (see you next time in Japanese)

With Love,

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