Sunday, September 5, 2010

Never am I going to take 3 3rd year & 1 2nd year subjects at a time ever again.

hey fellow readers,

how has your week been?
I have to worn you that this post might be depressing again.
There's too much happening right now.
When i say happening, it doesn't mean by partying happening but assignment happening.
wonder what's assignment happening?
It's when 2 or 3 assessment items from different subjects going on all at the same time.
and thats what happening to me now.

So right now, i'm using my blog to rant.
Honestly, I can't cope with all that's happening.
today itself, i've been in front of the computer from afternoon till now(with occasional toilet breaks and dinner).
i've been doing research for a report due coming sunday.
The softcopy is due on sunday but the hardcopy and presentation is due on monday.
I can't stand it and i feel that i'm about to break any moment.
I'm taking this moment to blog to rant, de-stress and let myself breath.

okay, to those who doesn't know me,
I'm a 2nd year university student and i'm currently doing 3 3rd year and 1 2nd year subject in a semester.
even with this 4 subjects i have difficulty coping i really don't know how come there are some people i know are able to do 5 or 6 subjects in a semester.

I'm not the type to go out partying (and i have not been in a nightclub before)
I don't always hangout with friends but i still can't seem to cope with my studies.
My internet surfing for kpop and other stuff has drastically dropped and still it's not working.
How do you manage your time then?

anyone willing to share?

alright, my time is up and i really need to get back to work.
hope you readers out there is having a much better time than i.

c u.

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