Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A second time

Hey everyone,

How have you all been? It's already winter over here and it's pretty cold.
To those of you in countries that are currently experiencing winter,
remember to bundle up in lots of blankets to keep yourself warm!

The plans book for the Global IAA Competition on Canon is already done and sent.
I've also started my winter term for one of the subjects that I had to take.

well, it's been awhile since I had been posting here. Thinking back now, I've been writing in my reflective journal for the 'internship' as part of an assessment so I didn't feel like writing in my blog.
hehehe XP

Since it's over so here I am now to share on something thats happened to me.
Just recently, I had blacked out in my bus ride to Belconnen Mall.
I actually had to get some cleaning supplies as well as groceries for the house.
It was getting dark and I knew that I would not reach there by foot before it the sun set so
rushed for the bus. I managed to get on the bus and when I got on, I could feel that my heartbeat was really fast and it felt like it was about to pumped out of my chest.
Next thing I know, I started to feel weird - like my body just felt cold as if my blood was drained.
I couldn't pin point the exact feelings I felt but that time,
I couldn't really hear the songs playing on my ipod (it was like I was loosing my sense of hearing) and my visual was slowly turning dark.
I knew that I was about to faint but I couldn't stop it.

I held onto a nearby pole and leaned against the baggage area of the bus praying to God that i'll be alright.
When I came to my senses, I wasn't standing in the exact position that I had before I lost my conscious but thank God I wasn't on the ground.
It took me all my might to get myself back up and get into a nearby seat that was just vacated.
The bus then stopped at the terminal and I waited until everyone left before getting off myself.
I quickly went straight to the chairs at the terminal and sat there for another 5 to 10 minutes till I regained back most of my energy.
When I could finally move my arms properly, I took off my coat and scarf while the people around were in their big cosy coats. I was drenched in cold sweat.

I then continued on to get the groceries and supplies. I never quite gained back all my energy that night but it was enough for me to buy the things i needed and get back home.
Ever since that day, I sorta try not to get onto buses unless I really do need to.

I wasn't sure why it happened but I really do thank God that I didn't fall onto the floor in the bus and that I knew how fainting would feel like since I did faint in a clinic before.
I guess it sure comes in handy that you know if you're going to faint and try not to do so.
I can't imagine what would happen if I really did fainted and ended up on the floor.
I would have caused trouble to the people on the bus.

The thing i hate about knowing that I was about to loose conscious is that I couldn't do anything to stop it. It took me all my might to just hold onto the pole.
I felt so powerless and not knowing of what might happen next.
I hated myself for that.
anyway, that was my encounter.
I hope no one have or will have to experience this.
It's not a nice feeling at all.

I hope everyone will be fine and do take care!!

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